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District info and data


Nebraska District 2 is located on the right side of Nebraska, where the Omaha-Council Bluffs Metropolitan area is located. This makes 98.76% of people in Nebraska urban-dwellers, with only 2.14% rural. While being quite a small district, it has the largest population of all the districts in Nebraska.

The majority of people in District 2 are white, being 73.4%. There are not many Hispanics or Blacks in District 2, with only about 10% each. Asians and Mixed are even more scarce in District 2, with 3 and 2 % respectively. 

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For Nebraska as a whole, the 51% of people are Protestant. Catholics are next with 23%, while unaffiliated are 20%. Most other religions have very small percentages in Nebraska.

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5% of households in Nebraska District 2 make more than $200k. This decreases until the average households makes $60k. As District 2 is a more urban area, and as urban people generally make more money, District 2 has wealthier people across all the different percentiles.

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25% of people 25 and older have a Bachelor's degree, while 23% have some college education. 21.5% graduated high school. Again, as District 2 is an urban area, and urban people generally go to more school and college than rural people, District 2 has more people with college degrees than Nebraska as a whole. 

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The most number of people work in healthcare, with retail and manufacturing jobs coming next. Surprising, there is a low amount of people working in agricultural jobs in Nebraska District 2.

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